ZetaTopAppBar.centered constructor

const ZetaTopAppBar.centered({
  1. Key? key,
  2. bool? rounded,
  3. List<Widget> actions = const [],
  4. bool automaticallyImplyLeading = true,
  5. Widget? leading,
  6. Widget? title,
  7. TextStyle? titleTextStyle,
  8. @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0') ValueChanged<String>? onSearch,
  9. @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0') String? searchHintText,
  10. @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0') ZetaSearchController? searchController,
  11. @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0') VoidCallback? onSearchMicrophoneIconPressed,

Creates a ZetaTopAppBar with centered title.


const ZetaTopAppBar.centered({
  this.actions = const [],
  this.automaticallyImplyLeading = true,
  @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0') ValueChanged<String>? onSearch,
  @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0') String? searchHintText,
  @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0') ZetaSearchController? searchController,
  @Deprecated('Use ZetaTopAppBar.search instead. ' 'Deprecated as of 0.16.0')
  VoidCallback? onSearchMicrophoneIconPressed,
})  : type = ZetaTopAppBarType.centered,
      onSearch = null,
      searchHintText = null,
      searchController = null,
      onSearchMicrophoneIconPressed = null,
      clearSemanticLabel = null,
      searchBackSemanticLabel = null,
      microphoneSemanticLabel = null,
      searchSemanticLabel = null,
      shrinks = false;