loadTheme method

  1. @override
Future<ZetaThemeServiceData> loadTheme()

Asynchronously load the theme data.

This method returns a Future that when complete will produce a tuple of ZetaThemeData, ThemeMode, and ZetaContrast.

ZetaThemeData describes the colors that are used by a theme.

ThemeMode determines the brightness of the system.

ZetaContrast defines different contrast styles to use across the application.

Returns a Future ZetaThemeServiceData.


Future<ZetaThemeServiceData> loadTheme() async {
  final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();

  final modeString = preferences.getString(_kThemeMode);

  final themeMode = modeString == ThemeMode.light.name
      ? ThemeMode.light
      : modeString == ThemeMode.dark.name
          ? ThemeMode.dark
          : ThemeMode.system;

  final contrastString = preferences.getString(_kContrast);
  final contrast = contrastString == ZetaContrast.aaa.name ? ZetaContrast.aaa : ZetaContrast.aa;

  final themeId = preferences.getString(_kThemeId);
  final fontFamily = preferences.getString(_kFontFamily);

  return ZetaThemeServiceData(
    themeMode: themeMode,
    contrast: contrast,
    themeId: themeId,
    fontFamily: fontFamily,